Hi!  I’m Scott

I help people build and deploy software…..just faster!

Just Me

A Little About Me!

I have spent 20+ years in the technology industry. During that time, I have done a variety of jobs from 3rd party software implementations to custom software development.

My current role is on a Tools team where I am a Senior Software Engineer and work with process, procedure, automation, devops, testing, and generally trying to get stuff done.

Build Automation

I have worked with many teams to convert their Java builds into a Maven format. This is easier to work with when trying to incorporate the build process into a CI/CD pipeline.

Deployment Automation

I have worked with various teams to streamline their deployment process. This can entail using various plugins for Jenkins or it can be as simple as using SSH to get on the target machine to run any deployment scripts.


I spend a lot of time mentoring my peers and various teams to ensure that they know what the best practices and processes are when implementing the tools that we support.

Podcast Host

I host a podcast called Scott Talks Tech, where I discuss various topics in the technology space. I have started focusing on the lower stages of the DevOps CI/CD pipeline tasks. I have a lot of experience in the tools and processes and I am eager to share my opinions with those that choose to listen. Check out my podcast page for more information.

Some of my work

Build technology

I worked with over 50 teams to migrate their build platforms to Maven.  We did this to get on a common platform to ensure that we could be consistent in how we automated our CI/CD process.

Deployent Automation

I created a Jenkins pipeline to deploy any web application that had been built into a EAR or WAR file.  All the users had to do was call our job from a successful build job and pass in the correct parameters and out pipeline took care of the rest all the way to the web server and deployment.

Tool Management

Working with my management, we constantly road map our tool selections to ensure that we are providing value on a consistent basis.


I have led many sessions to train our staff on the best way to use our tools and automation offerings.   Establishing best practices and procedures ensures that they are using the tools int he most efficient way possible.