21 – Making it in the real world – Performance Testing

Date: 5/11/2020

Guests: None

Welcome and greetings

Recap of last episode

  • In our last episode, I discussed the concepts relating to System Integration Testing. I talked about what it is, how it differs from other testing, and what you hope to gain from performing it.

Summary of this episode

  • In this episode, I’m going to discuss what performance testing is and the benefits that you receive once it is completed successfully. I will also talk about the different types of performance testing and how they each tell a different story about the health and reliability of your application.

What’s in it for you?

  • After listening to this episode, you will be able to discuss the various types of performance testing and the benefits of each one. You will hopefully be able to have conversations with your peers that show the value that can be realized by a successful performance test.

Episode Content

Performance testing goes by a variety of names but in all instances you are trying to determine how your application will perform under real world conditions. Nobody wants to deploy their application to their production environment only to realize too late that their web servers do not have the capacity to handle all the users that are trying to use it for some purpose. This is especially true for companies that run websites that sell products or perform banking activities.

Types of Performance Testing:

  • Load Testing: How the system performs under a defined load
  • Stress Testing: How the system performs when the load is increased
  • Spike testing: How the system performs when the load is dramatically increased for a short duration
  • Endurance testing: How the system performs when the load is maintained for longer than expected
  • Scalability Testing: How the system performs when it is dynamically scaled by a pre-determined factor for transaction volume (2:1, 3:1, etc.)
  • Volume testing: Another name for Load Testing that involves large sets of data.

Here are some of the activities that take place when you are planning a performance test:

  • Determine test environment requirements
    • This can include servers, operating systems, the application to be tested, other applications needed to run the test, and any configurations needed to ensure the successful completion of the performance test
  • Design performance testing requirements
    • what is an acceptable response time for the application under test for a given transaction type?
    • what is an acceptable level of uptime for the application and what tests will ensure that that level has an acceptable chance of being reached?
  • Design the tests that will be executed
    • identify specific use cases that are in the high volume category
    • this can be accomplished by working with the development team to identify candidate use cases.
  • Buy, install, configure the testing environment
    • this will include ensuring that the software required to execute the test is available, licensed, and configured prior to executing the test.
  • Write you performance testing scripts per the agreed upon design
    • This can be complicated with web applications that generate lots of dynamic content.
    • The dynamic content will need to be parameterized in the scripts so that run-time errors are not encountered during the test if a non-parameterized value is encountered
  • Execute the tests according to the plan
    • The performance tests are run as agreed upon.
    • Support staff should be scheduled prior to the test to ensure that any issues can be addressed in a timely manner.
    • The time it takes for a test to get to the steady state of a particular transaction volume is called the ramp up time and should be built into the testing timeframe.
    • The time it takes for all transactions to finish after the agreed upon transaction volume is reached is called the ramp down time and while not needed for most performance metrics that you will compile, it can help clean up a system if you are planning on running several performance tests consecutively.
  • Accumulate, document and publish the test results
    • all results should be collated and analyzed in order to provide the most accurate recommendation possible after a test is complete.
    • The results can either clear an application for release or send it back to the software engineering team for changes to improve its performance.

Recap of this episode

  • In this episode, we discussed the various types of performance testing, how they are different, and some of the benefits that come from running a successful performance test.

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Next Episode: Scott’s Spot Product Review

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