Date: 6/8/2020
Guests: None
Welcome and greetings
Recap of last episode
- In our last episode we contrasted a few different container management systems and talked about how they are used after you have your image of the container that you wish to run.
Summary of this episode
- In this episode, I’m going to talk about Docker. We will explore where it came from, what it is used for and some of the basic commands that you will use when working with it.
What’s in it for you?
- A useful overview of Docker along with a nice list of commands and their descriptions.
Episode Content
- Docker history
- The modern ecosystem of containers all started with Docker. It is so ingrained in the container ecosystem that many people use the term Docker when they are actually referring to a container image. Docker was the first company to make working with containers easy to start and manage.
- Docker use Cases
- Docker makes building your containers easier.
- Docker makes it easier to run multiple applications on the same host by running each in their own container.
- Docker makes it easier to codify your application container in a dockerfile.
- Docker commands
- docker run – used with other switches and parameters to start a container from an image.
- docker ps – returns a list of running containers.
- docker images – returns a list of container images that have been downloaded or created on the host you are working on.
- docker exec – used to execute a command inside a running container (docker exec ls /tmp).
- docker login – used to log into an external image repository.
- docker logout – used to log out of an external image repository.
- docker attach – used to connect to a running container.
- docker build – used to create a container from a dockerfile.
- docker commit – used to create a container image from a running container.
- docker cp – used to copy files from the container to the docker host.
- docker diff – used to compare 2 files on a file system inside the container.
- docker history – shows all changes to a container image.
- docker info – shows high level information on the docker host ecosystem.
- docker inspect – shows low-level information on docker objects.
- docker kill – used to immediately stop (kill) a running container.
- docker logs – downloads the logs from a running container.
- docker pause – temporarily halts process execution on a running container.
- docker unpause – resumes process execution on a paused container.
- docker port – shows port information for a running container instance.
- docker pull – downloads a container image from a local or external image repository.
- docker push – uploads an updated/tagged container image to the image repository that you are currently logged into.
- docker rename – renames a running container.
- docker rm – removes a container from the docker host.
- docker rmi – removes a container image from the docker host.
- docker start – starts a stopped container.
- docker stop – halts one or more running containers.
- docker tag – creates a tag (or version) of the container image on the local host.
- docker top – returns the top running processes from a given container.
- docker update – updates the configuration of a running container.
- docker version – shows the version information for the Docker engine.
- docker volumes – show and manage volume information on the docker host.
Recap of this episode
- In this episode, we discussed what Docker the company is, some use cases for docker, and reviewed some of the most useful commands for working with docker on the command line.
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Link to Episode – 24 – Tools – Docker
Please join us for our next episode where I’ll be covering dockerfile basics and usage.
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