6 – Tools – Git from Asheville-NC

Where I am podcasting from – Asheville, NC

Target Audience – Technology resources that are new to development or to this tool in particular

SCM description

Git description

Git terminology
-init – Create a new repository (from empty dir or existing source folders).

-config – Set the user.name and user.email config settings for the current user.

-origin – This indicates the starting point of the current branch.

-remote – This indicates where the push command will try to send your changes on the remote system.

-branch – This is an isolated work area for you to make your changes.

-types of branches – master, develop, development, feature, release, hotfix.

-checkout – This is the act of copying the selected branch to a working area where you can make your changes.

-local branch – A branch that is created on your local machine from the remote source.  It can be a new branch created locally that you will then commit and push to the remote.

-status – This command shows the current status of any files in your local workspace that have been modified, staged for commit, ready to push to the remote…..or any errors.

-add – This command readies your modified files to commit.  It is typically used when you create new un-committed files that are not currentlyin git.

-commit – This is the act of telling git that you want to copy your modified files to the branch on your local machine that you have checked out.  You will still need to issue a push command to send the changes to the branch on the remote server.

-commit message – always add a descriptive message of what changes were made and why.  It is useful to put any reference ticket number from your issue tracking system in the commit message.

-merge – This is the act of combining two branches that have different sets of code.  It is done automatically if there are no conflicts.

-merge conflict – This occurs when the same file is modified by two or more developers and their changes involve the same lines of code in the files.

-diff – This is a utility that can be used from the command line to compare two files to display the conflicting differences.

-pull requests – The act of having another developer or team lead review your changes before it is merged into another branch.

-push – This command will copy our changes from your local branch to the remote branch as long as there are no conflicts.  This conflict check can be over-ridden with a command flag.

-pull – This is the command that will pull all the up-to-date information from git regarding your source code respository (branches, tags, etc.)

-clone – This is the act of copying a remote repositort to another workspace where you can make your modifications in isolation from other developers.

-fork – This command allows you to create a copy of a repository that you will not be merging back into the remote for some time (or in certain cases, not at all).

-tags – This is a command line utility that allows you to mark certain sets of files with an identifying tag (numeric, alpha-numeric, or alphabetic).

-branching methodology – This is the decision made by your team on how you will handle parallel development that will involve merging your code from branch to branch before you finally promote it to production (master).

-gitFlow – A commonly used branching methodology.

-log – This command line utility can be used to view changes to a file or set of files.

-revert – This command is used to undo a commit.

-reset – This command is used when you wish to discard all your local changes and revert back to the latest on the remote server. It is not recommended if you follow your branching methodology.